Including graphic spam recognition technology

Sep 11, 2006 11:03 GMT  ·  By

Kaspersky Anti-Spam 3.0 is built as a multi-level system of spam filtering tiers integrating linguistic analysis technology. In this regard, the filters are traditional in design but also comprise enhancements that address the increasing phenomenon of image spam. Designed for corporate networks and ISPs, Kaspersky Anti-Spam 3.0 is being marketed as an update on the previous versions: "incorporating a range of technological, architectural and functional enhancements."

Kaspersky's Spamtest filtering engine has been optimized in the areas of performance, stability and resource consumption. Kaspersky's anti-spam solution has also been restructured on a new content filtering database delivery system.

"Algorithms used for the parsing of HTML objects in mail messages have been improved, making it far more difficult for spammers to circumvent spam filters. Improved analysis of graphic attachments has made recognition of spam containing images significantly more reliable," explained Kaspersky.

The Sender Policy Framework (SPF) and Spam URL Realtime Blocklists (SURBL) are delivered in order to enable spam filtration policy. But Kaspersky's filtering technologies go a step further by integrating graphic spam detection engines, message headers analysis tools and utilities for application support, compatibility and infrastructural customization.

"The filtering policies that define procedures for mail processing are also configured using the convenient Control Center interface, which uses the minimum set of tools required for system administration. Its flexibility also allows administrators to tweak the service to their precise requirements. The administrator can enable or disable individual filtering rules, and define separate message processing rules based on each user group's needs," explained Kaspersky.