A new SDK allows developers to create new titles and bring them to multiple devices

Sep 19, 2011 06:43 GMT  ·  By

Sony has confirmed that its PlayStation Suite service, announced earlier this year, that delivers a variety of PlayStation-like experience to all sorts of Android devices, from the Sony Ericsson Xperia Play to the upcoming PlayStation Vita, is going to receive a new SDK (software development kit) that will allow developers o make games for such handhelds in an easier way.

Sony wants to profit from its ubiquitous PlayStation brand, and has started using it to promote several PlayStation-certified devices like the Sony Ericsson Xperia Play (the so-called PlayStation Phone) as well as new tablets like the S1 or S2.

These devices, alongside the full-pledged PlayStation Vita handheld console, support a special PlayStation Suite service, that delivers legacy titles to them, including ones from the PlayStation 1 generation, and other experiences designed especially for them.

Now, Sony has confirmed that a new PlayStation Suite SDK will be released this November, which makes creating games for PlayStation-certified that much easier.

"PS Suite is an initiative solution to deliver the world of PlayStation to Android based portable devices," Sony said. "Through PS Suite SDK, content developers can create content for PlayStation Certified (PS Certified) devices, hardware certified through the PS Suite license program, as well as for PlayStation Vita (PS Vita)."

The SDK is composed of several programming tools based on the C# language, allowing developers to build not just games but also other types of applications that can be distributed to all platforms.

"By supporting development for multiple devices and by adopting libraries to create a variety of content not only limited to games, PS Suite SDK will not only help developers save their cost in creating new content but also allow them to efficiently create their content on one SDK and without having to create on several different SDKs."

Besides the new experiences that will arrive through this SDK, Sony is going to start in October to publish content from its full-pledged PlayStation Store onto the PlayStation Suite, starting with PSone games.