Nov 4, 2010 14:03 GMT  ·  By
Experts at RPI inaugurate a new Center for excellence in healthcare-related research
   Experts at RPI inaugurate a new Center for excellence in healthcare-related research

Officials at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) in the United States announce the opening of a new center that seeks to make it easier for experts to develop solutions for a wide variety of healthcare-related challenges, mostly through the use of modeling and simulations.

The Center for Modeling, Simulation, and Imaging in Medicine (CeMSIM) has been inaugurated within the School of Engineering at the Institute, representatives from the Institute say.

The main mission of CeMSIM will be to advanced modeling, simulation, and imaging technologies in such a manner that therapies based on them could be developed from the earliest stages until they get to be applied on patients.

RPI Department of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Nuclear Engineering associate professor Suvranu De will be the director of the new Center. He also holds an appointment at the Department of Biomedical Engineering.

“The new Center for Modeling, Simulation and Imaging in Medicine will bring our faculty and students together to examine some of the most pressing challenges – and greatest opportunities – in the field of medical diagnostics,” says the dean of the School of Engineering at RPI, David Rosowsky.

“We are proud to launch this new center in the School of Engineering and look forward to its impact in this rapidly changing and critically important field,” the official goes on to say.

De’s research into surgery simulation, multi-scale modeling, and other studies, constituted the theoretical basis on which the Center was constructed and designed.

“With CeMSIM, we are seeking to leverage the skills of a major technological university to make significant advancements in critical areas of health care that directly translate into benefits for patients,” De explains.

“Along with fundamental advances in imaging technology, the Center will investigate methods for improving diagnosis, surgical, and nonsurgical interventional techniques, multi-scale and high-performance computing, visualization, and other areas,” the director says.

CeMSIM will conduct investigations into five major areas, including modeling, simulation, and imaging (MSI) in medical diagnosis, clinical medicine and therapy, surgery, algorithms, multi-scale and high-performance computing, and medical visualization; and MSI in cognitive issues.