Mar 15, 2011 10:48 GMT  ·  By

BioWare has offered fans of Mass Effect 2 the first official image taken from the new downloadable content pack for the science-fiction role play and action mix, which will apparently be named The Arrival.

The screenshot, which you can see attached to this article, does not reveal much about what BioWare plans to include in the new content, but it's the first official sign of its existence, coming via the official Facebook page of BioWare.

The DLC has also been hinted at when Dragon Age 2 was released, with a leaflet reading: “The Arrival has begun. Invasion has commenced.”

Publisher Electronic Arts has not talked officially about the new downloadable content, but BioWare has made it pretty clear that they are planning for a pretty significant adventure, one which would offer players some background on how the Reapers arrive on Earth.

It's not clear when the new DLC might arrive or how much the publisher will charge for it.

The idea is to link Mass Effect 2 and 3 and give fans of the franchise a good reason to pick up the new game when it comes in the fall.

BioWare has officially revealed the third game in its space-based trilogy during December 2010 and showed a trailer that depicts a big invasion force made up of Reapers descending on the important population centers of Earth while Commander Shepard watches from space, presumably ready to go in search for allies and then drive them back.

The developers have already hinted that they are thinking about using the Mass Effect universe for games beyond the Commander Shepard saga, perhaps inaugurating a new trilogy after the third game in the current one is released.

Mass Effect 3 will be launched on the PlayStation 3 from Sony, the Xbox 360 from Microsoft and the PC.