The video service was updated again

Jan 29, 2007 14:18 GMT  ·  By

YouTube is a video service that allows you to upload, share and comment movies directly on a webpage. Last year in October, Google acquired YouTube saying that the company is aiming to make the video solution even more powerful. At this time, YouTube is more than a video service, representing a large community of users that are continuously posting new movies and are converting the solution into a social service that is attracting new members every day.

Some time ago, Google released a new feature especially created for YouTube, TestTube that can allow the company to test all the new functions that are meant to be implemented into the video service, being inspired by Google Labs, a similar test solution. Although the company already owns another video service, Google Video, the search giant tries to improve both of them periodically to attract more users and gain popularity.

Today, the YouTube team announced a lot of new improvements added to the video service that is now even more powerful, allowing you to better control your account by managing your private messages and contacts with other members of the service.

"GOOGLE SEARCH!: Thanks to, ahem, a certain parent company, our search is now vastly improved so it should be even easier to find your favorite sleeping kitty video exactly when you want to show it to grandma. Moreover, YouTube videos are now indexed on Google Video Search, which means more potential viewers for your videos!

MORE ROOM FOR YOUR FEATURED VIDEOS: The categories page got a facelift and now shows two featured videos for each topic. But then, when you click through, brace yourself: we've got room for - count 'em - 20 featured videos within each section. More space for your incredible work! Sadia, whom you'll meet soon, is the editor in charge of this area, so write to her with feature requests," the company mentioned in a blog post.

If you want to read the entire change log provided by the YouTube team, you should follow this link located on the official website of the service.