The new camera could be the successor of the X-PRO1, launched in 2012

Mar 17, 2014 10:22 GMT  ·  By

Some of you might remember that back in January Fujifilm announced the new X-T1 camera. But it appears the company doesn't want to stop here when it comes to adding new products in its X-series, at least according to Fujifilm Bangladesh.

A user inquired on their official Facebook page about their plans of launching a new X-series camera and their response was “Fujifilm might release another X System MILC very soon. Stay tuned for further update from Fujifilm.”

Of course, there’s a “might” in there, so the “very soon” tag could be stretched indefinitely. But according to a previous report, it was said the new X-series camera could turn out to be the X-PRO1S, an upgrade of the X-PRO1. Back then it was speculated the new mode could arrive in the first half of 2014.

The X-PRO1 was announced in 2012, so it wouldn't be far-fetched to assume Fujifilm might be having a successor for the camera, in the pipeline. There’s not much known about the X-PRO1S at the moment, but word on the street has it that the new camera might come boasting an APS-C sensor, somehow similar to the one its predecessor had, but improved.

Bear in mind, this is just speculation at this point, but I’ll keep you posted if more info surfaces about Fujifilm’s new X-series mirrorless camera.