Check out Dante as he tries to fight a monstrous Succubus

Aug 10, 2012 16:11 GMT  ·  By

Capcom has posted a brand new video for its upcoming DmC Devil May Cry game, this time showing off plenty of gameplay mechanics, from the combat, which we have already admired in previous trailers, to platforming, as well as a new monster, in the form of a giant Succubus.

DmC Devil May Cry reimagines Capcom’s long-running hack-and-slash franchise with a modified version of the protagonist, Dante, as well as with some much darker tones in terms of world design.

We have already admired the game through several screenshots and videos up until now and, more recently, it has finally received a concrete release date, January 15, 2013.

Now, Capcom has posted a fresh video with DmC, showing off a brand new segment of the game, which sees Dante explore a warehouse by completing various platforming sections, while battling various demons.

The video culminates with a boss battle against a monstrous Succubus, so check it out above.