The first of two episodes

Nov 21, 2008 20:01 GMT  ·  By

Grand Theft Auto IV is certainly one of the best selling titles this year, promising to offer players the great GTA sandbox experience with some whole new next-generation graphics. The game, although launched in April, dominated the sales charts and it is sure to hit the tops again, as the PC version will be launched at the beginning of December.

By far the most important news these days was the official announcement of the first GTA IV DLC (Downloadable Content), which will appear for the Xbox 360 version of the game. Although it was highly speculated before this official confirmation, not much was known about it, or about the release date. Even though gamers worldwide hoped for a release this year, the fact that it will be coming to the Xbox Live Marketplace on February 17 next year didn't make them very angry.

The latest gameplay episode, entitled Lost and Damned, will have a new main character, as the original Niko Belic was replaced with a member of the Lost bike gang, Johnny Klebitz. We will follow his adventures through Liberty City and Niko might make a few appearances, but nothing exceptional, as Dan Houser, one of the co-founders of Rockstar, the developer of the GTA franchise, said.

Now his words are reinforced by his brother, Sam Houser, who talks about this new GTA experience. "Making these episodes has enabled us to expand the narrative and the experience of interacting with a game world in really innovative ways. We hope fans of the game enjoy the new way of experiencing life in Liberty City contained in this first episode."

He also says that this episode will bring new multiplayer modes, weapons and vehicles that will keep players interested in the game. Also, as yet another way to entertain players, a new soundtrack will be introduced, with music split into various genres that will be available on the radio stations of Liberty City.

But unfortunately, Sam Houser doesn't offer any details on the pricing of the upcoming DLC, though his company will certainly make a statement regarding this aspect in the following weeks. Until then, we can still explore Liberty City with Niko Belic.