The short clip shows behind-the-scenes footage and narration from Chris Evans

Feb 27, 2014 09:00 GMT  ·  By

The countdown for the release date of “Captain America: The Winter Soldier” has begun, and Marvel is trying to get as many people interested in the project as possible, as well as offering existing fans juicy tidbits that will get them excited for the big day.

A new featurette has just been released as, as opposed to the theatrical trailer, is offers some behind the scenes footage, as well as some commentaries from the main cast and the director. Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Anthony Mackie and Robert Redford take turns to explain the plot and interesting things about the project.

The basic idea is that the Captain will be undergoing a moral struggle in this movie, offset by his continuing efforts to get adjusted to modern life and to forget his past. But as someone in the video so eloquently puts it, “Just when you think Cap's embraced the fact that his previous life is gone, the old life comes in and punches him in the face.”

The reference is Bucky, his former WWII ally, who was considered dead after a mission behind German enemy lines, who has been turned into the deadly Winter Soldier.

The film sees the introduction of a new Marvel character, the Falcon, played by Anthony Mackie, as well as some existing characters such as Black Widow and Nick Fury.