The new patch is identical on both consoles according to Infinity Ward

Nov 27, 2013 12:16 GMT  ·  By

A brand new Call of Duty: Ghosts patch has been released on the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 consoles, bringing performance improvements and fixing different crashes and bugs.

Call of Duty: Ghosts encountered various problems across all platforms since its launch earlier this month but, fortunately for fans, developer Infinity Ward has been hard at work on different patches for the game across the PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and Wii U.

The latest update is now available for download on the PS4 next-gen console and the PS3 current-gen one.

The new patch solves all sorts of issues relating to the game's performance, its stability, and its various other bugs. Among them are problems with random crashes but also with the spawning system on different maps.

Errors with the squads option and the loadout system have also been resolved so the multiplayer mode in Ghosts will be a much more stable experience.

Check out the list of changes in the new Call of Duty: Ghosts patch for PS3 and PS4 below, via the official forums.

Performance Improved performance issues caused by spamming.

Stability Fixed crash in CODeSports play. Fixed spawn crash for specific maps/modes.

Additional Fixes Fixed a variety of map specific spawn issues . Fixed lobby migration closing the create a class screen. Fixed not showing attachments and weapon camo for players while in private match lobby. Fixed dog's extended kill not showing properly in final killcam. Fixed loadouts appearing restricted if a restricted perk was selected in specialist strike package even though specialist wasn't equipped. Fixed split screen UI issue that could potentially leave player in a bad state. Fixed issue when selecting store from squads. Fix to remember spectator team when switching to freecam in broadcaster mode. Fixed issue with loading into specific maps with ghost mask equipped.

The new patch is already live on the PlayStation Network.