Aug 31, 2011 11:27 GMT  ·  By

AMD got a new Chief Executive Officer recently, and the man is not allowing any delays in starting to implement his views of how AMD can go forward, even opting for the so-called predator's mindset.

Advanced Micro Devices may have gone for about seven months without an actual leader, but this changed when Rory P. Read took the post of CEO.

The man is known for his performance as Lenovo's president and COO, a position which he used to turn the company into the fastest growing PC maker.

Needless to say, the board of directors from Advanced Micro Devices hopes he will repeat that performance during his run with the Sunnyvale, California-based company.

Apparently, Mr. Read wants the same thing, having even come forward to state what his overall goals are, even if he didn't give any specifics.

For the most part, he intends to give AMD a much more aggressive attitude, akin to that of a predator, with market share as the prey.

Granted, he also said that the outfit needs to retain the balance it currently has between execution and product planning.

Still, it might just be that Advanced Micro Devices will stop focusing on just the market segments underserved by Intel and turn into a more straightforward competitor.

"I really like to compete and win, I feel passion for what we are doing. [...] It is worth doing, it is worth doing it right. We can be the leaders. We do not need to look left or right. That is not what we are,” he said.

“We got to become the hunters, we have to look forward, we have to attack the hill. When you set your objectives on something that you believe in, you look ahead as the predator, you become the aggressor, and you deliver on those goals. [...] I believe so much in this team and what we can do together," said Rory Read, the head of AMD, at an employee event.