Aug 4, 2011 12:41 GMT  ·  By

Microsoft has introduced two new Bing Visual Search galleries, focused on a couple of the most watched shows on TV, Glee and So You Think You Can Dance.

Visual Search, for those that don’t know, is an innovative search experience available through the Redmond company’s decision engine.

Through Bing Visual Search galleries, users get to explore content based on images and a collection of filters at their disposal, set up to let them narrow down a specific search as much as possible.

On August 3rd, “Fox [aired] a 2 hour special highlighting the “Top 6” remaining dance teams on So You Think You Can Dance (SYTYCD). Whether you’re looking to relive the best performances or catch up before the finale, we’ve got you covered,” revealed Anne Singleton, Bing Visual Search.

“We recently rolled out a SYTYCD Visual Search Gallery that lets you sort by what you’re interested in including season, performance, dances with elimination and choreographer.”

SYTYCD will be able to find performance based on season, episode, dance style, dancers, winners, eliminations, and other criteria.

Bing will ultimately point users to the Fox website, where they’ll be able to actually watch the content they found through the search / decision engine.

In addition to SYTYCD, the other new Bing Visual Search gallery is focused on Glee. Again, season, episodes, performances, genre, groups, original artist, original songs, etc. are among the filters offered by the software giant to make it as easy as possible for users to get to the content they’re looking for.

“For the hardcore Gleeks out there, we have also published a Glee Music Guide. This Visual Search Gallery that lets you quickly and easily explore the music of Glee. From the most recent songs to the top downloads, you can sort by the soloist, original artist or decade (options you will not find elsewhere),” Singleton added.