Some dream of losing weight, others of a quiet vacation

Dec 21, 2011 19:01 GMT  ·  By

2011 will end very soon, and many people are already looking into the next year with hope, some encouraged by the way things went in the year ending, at least this is what a recent survey from Bing unveils.

1,000 U.S. adults answered to a survey on how they felt about 2011 and what they expected from the following year.

Apparently, most of them were quite happy with how things went this year, and were eagerly waiting to see what the next year would to bring.

Here are some of the survey’s findings:

- This was a year of ups and downs. According to our survey, 65 percent of 18-24 year olds were positive about 2011 and are hoping for much of the same in the New Year.

- However, 45-54 year olds were slightly less optimistic – 76 percent said that it was a hard year and they’re hoping 2012 will be better. Regardless of your attitude, make 2012 the year for you. Whether you’re job-hunting, planning a move or making room for another family member, will help you navigate the year ahead.

When it comes to making a resolution for the New Year, many chose losing weight (35 percent of all surveyed men and 47 percent of women). Interestingly, 32 percent of all people said that they didn’t plan on making a resolution for the New Year at all.

44 percent of respondents said that they would like to spend the holidays at the beach or in the mountains, just to be far from the busy city life.

When it comes to wishes for the next year, Bing found that 34 percent of respondents were interested in buying a tablet PC in the year to come. 24 percent of them said that a 3D Television would make a fine acquisition for their homes.

For all of them, Bing can easily prove a solution, Kari Dilloo, notes in a blog post. It can provide users with jogging routes or with the possibility to find exercise equipment or healthy recipes, so that they can fulfill their dream of losing weight.

Moreover, Bing Travel will enable them to find a remote location to spend the holiday far from the city’s lights, while can provide them with deals, reviews and more to acquire those gadgets they are dreaming of.