If you are an Alfred.app fan and you are running the Public Beta of OS X, you're in luck

Jul 26, 2014 13:28 GMT  ·  By
Alfred app is the premium OS X launcher and productivity application. The app was created by an independent developer and it soon went to be one of the most used launchers, replacing Apple's own Spotlight.
Alfred version 2+ is not in the Mac App Store anymore because of the restrictions Apple has in place. However, the app is being distributed on its developer's website - alfredapp.com. Alfred is Free and it offers basic functionality every Mac user needs. For an extra fee, you can get the Powerpack - a world of utilities and add-ons for Alfred that will make you life much easier. 
With the introduction of OS X Yosemite, Apple has worked to improve Spotlight and even borrowed some of the features and design ideas from Alfred. With all the new stuff Spotlight brings, it still does not exceed the awesome workflows you can add to Alfred, so this app won't go anywhere for a while. 
A few hours ago, Alfred's developer introduced the new 2.4 version. It is a testing release that works with OS X Yosemite Public Beta. The developer admits that he needs some help testing this build. It is an experimental one, but this is the only way to make it stable. 
You can Download the Beta Alfred v2.4 build right here.
The new version brings an updated Alfred preferences framework to provide a unified synced / non synced preference codebase for Alfred. You can also benefit of the new theming Improvements. Among theres you will see an option to add a new default OS X Yosemite Light or Dark theme. The Icon in the status bar is now matching the Yosemite theming. 
The developer now lets you add the experimental default window blur into appearance and you can choose Helvetica Neue and Helvetica Neue Light to Alfred's theme editor selection. 
There's a nice list of general improvements and Bug Fixes that comes with this release. Among others, you can fuzzy match file system navigation results. 
The current stable version of Alfred is 2.3 and if you are new to this you might as well take it for a spin. Alfred can find Applications and Files, Quick-Search the Web, Create and Import Workflows, Show you the Clipboard History and perform searches and tasks within applications like Calculator and Dictionary, Contacts, System Commands and iTunes