To whom it may concern, the cool lamps are available online

Dec 11, 2007 18:41 GMT  ·  By

Are you attracted to genuine vintage stuff? Check this out! I am sure 60's nostalgics are keeping their lava lamps, their campy clothes and Beatles posters as part of their former flower-power statement. In fact, besides bringing back good old times, the Lava lamps has about the same psychedelic effect on people. Today's authentic retro lava lamps get their chance to do more stuff than just glow. As weird is may sound, someone actually though about combining a Lava lamp with the popular iPod speaker and docking station.

In fact, the fellows from Lava World are responsible for lots of retro looking lava lamps. Their portfolio consists of lots of simple Lava-lighting devices, but there are some other cool ones like this one that make the difference regarding the functionality.

What's really cool about this device is the fact that iPod music gets to be somehow mixed with the illusion of watching an aquarium or looking at clouds. As kitschy it may look, the lamp can still hypnotize some "dirty" hippies.

However, technically speaking, the iLava iPod docking station is crap. Of course, it allows user to play iPod music and all, but besides that, there is just a LED light that syncs with the tunes and the wax stripes floating in pure...water. And no, alcohol is not an option, although it would have added extra points.

A lot of stuff has changed about these lamps since they went into production and the price is one of the significant changes. While the original ones sold for about 25 bucks, today they sell for about twice as much. And Lava World makes lots of dough by charging 100 US dollars for the iLava. But hey, the built-in iPod speakers have almost made me forgot it's wax, watter and a 40-watt bulb we're talking about...Peace!

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