Oct 21, 2010 07:11 GMT  ·  By

Since AMD is just about to launch its latest offering in the GPU segment, the AMD Radeon HD 6800 series, NVIDIA has do something in order to counter its rival's move, and, by the looks of it, they're going to turn to one of the oldest tricks in the book, namely cutting the pricing of some of their own offerings. So, as HardOCP reports, it would seem that the models set for a price drop are the GTX 460 1GB and GTX 470, which, frankly speaking, is not exactly a big surprise, especially since the AMD Radeon HD 6800 series will be pitted directly against these offerings, performance-wise (and we suspect NVIDIA is fully aware of that). While the exact figures are not yet known, it would seem that the drops are significant enough, the GTX 470 turning from a card enthusiasts could only dream about inserting in their systems a while ago into an offering that's actually accessible without breaking one's bank account or getting a loan (OK, that might be a little too much, but you do get the point). On the other hand, the GTX 460 might not be that lucky, because anything else than a VERY competitive price point might actually put in behind the new Radeons on the consumers' short list. Of course, this is very good news for consumers, especially those gamers on a tighter budget who've been dreaming about these cards for quite some time now, but were never able to get over the price point. Ultimately, it remains to be seen whether these price drops will make NVIDIA's offerings more interesting than the hot-new AMD Radeon 6800 series, but given the poor economic conditions that still plague most of the world, we'll have to say that gamers and enthusiasts will certainly have a hard time choosing.