The newest video card has, naturally, been adopted by custom PC builders

Aug 17, 2012 17:11 GMT  ·  By

Maingear and CyberPower, two of the better known brands on the market for full-featured desktop PCs, have announced that their systems, or some of them, have gained NVIDIA's GeForce GTX 660 Ti graphics card as a possible hardware component.

This is hardly a surprise. Every time NVIDIA or Advanced Micro Devices launches a new video card, every gaming system maker is quick to get their hands on it.

Only the now rare low-end cards “escape” this phenomenon, but even they have clients, among the developers of HTPCs and nettops.

We covered the essential information on NVIDIA's GeForce GTX 660 Ti graphics adapter yesterday (August 16, 2012) and we even made a roundup of which OEMs have released or will release custom-built versions.

That said, customers of CyberPower will find GTX 660 Ti among the video card options on the Fang III series, Gamer Xtreme and Ultra series. The more recent Zeus should also have it.

As for Maingear, it has added the GeForce GTX 660 Ti to all its machines and will launch limited edition Potenza and F131 with a 660 Ti theme.

"Nvidia's Kepler architecture is more than robust; it's the creation of a standard," says Wallace Santos, CEO and founder of Maingear.

"With the debut of TXAA across the Kepler family, gamers will find a noticeable improvement in graphics for the latest games, and I feel that our customers should be able to experience that without breaking the bank."

Go here for the Maingear systems and here for the CyberPower offerings, but be warned: regardless of what they say about not breaking the bank, these are still pre-configured gaming systems from vendors who need to make profit and maintain their brand image. Thus, the desktops are more expensive than it would be to build a computer out of parts bought individually.