Results from NTOSpider will be used by Denim's ThreatFix

Aug 15, 2013 19:56 GMT  ·  By

Secure software developer Denim Group and NT OBJECTives (NTO), a company that provides web application security software and services, have teamed up to offer organizations a comprehensive dynamic vulnerability management solution for both web and mobile applications.

As a result of the partnership, Denim’s ThreatFix application vulnerability management platform will benefit from information gathered by NTO’s NTOSpider, a dynamic application scanner that’s capable of testing modern programming technologies.

“NTO is doing some very interesting things with their scanning technology, particularly related to testing for thick client applications and web services,” said Denim Group CTO Dan Cornell.

“By building the connector with ThreadFix, NTOSpider users can now import the results of their scanning efforts and manage them alongside static analysis or manual testing results to get a deeper understanding of where their application vulnerabilities lie.”

The programming technologies supported by NTOSpider include REST, JSON, AJAX and GWT. The solution is efficient because it performs comprehensive security testing automatically.

On the other hand, ThreadFix simplifies the analysis of results obtained from dynamic and static scanners, and manual testing. The solution imports all test results into a centralized console that automatically removes duplicate findings.

ThreatFix also speeds up the vulnerability fixing process by injecting prioritized security hole lists into the regular work flow of developers.

Dan Kuykendall, NT OBJECTives co-CEO, noted, “Application security teams can now use the efficiency of both ThreadFix and NTO Spider to analyze test results faster, creating a holistic view of the corporation’s security posture that reduces the risk of damage to the company’s intellectual property, data, and web applications.”

He added, “ThreadFix users benefit from this integration and can now consolidate the results of other testing activities to provide a full view of these efforts.”