Mozilla Corp is NOT Mozilla Foundation

May 26, 2006 15:19 GMT  ·  By

According to Mozilla Corp. CEO, Mitchell Baker, "tens of millions" of dollars in revenue were obtained last year from companies such as Google and Yahoo.

The for-profit offshoot of Mozilla Foundation still cries "poor" and says there's not enough money for the volunteers (who despite their status, might still enjoy some capitalist hedonistic expression - such as pizza).

"It's just a drop in the ocean compared with the big Silicon Valley companies. We could never pay everyone on the scale of Microsoft -- we just don't have enough money to fight them," said the Chief Lizard Wrangler. "Nobody does, apart from maybe someone like Google."

Baker added that even though they won't share the money, maybe they can provide machines to some of the developers. The promise is not at all "just PR" or simply a "sacrifice" Mozilla Corp needs to make to keep getting free development.

In completely unrelated news, Jason Calcanis, CEO of Weblogs, claims that Mozilla Corporation made $72 million last year, although he says that the figures could not be confirmed. Another claim is that whenever Firefox users do a Google search using the browser's search box, Mozilla receives 80% of the resulting ad revenue.

Do the math (hint: Firefox accounts for about 15% of web browser market, and it's growing).