could be a great alternative to YouTube

Nov 17, 2006 15:17 GMT  ·  By

Movidity Inc. has just introduced, the world's first truly mobile video sharing web service.

Designed specifically for mobile use, will revolutionize multimedia sharing and distribution, opening up endless possibilities for consumer, commercial and professional users. As with other popular video sharing websites, such as YouTube, will allow members to share video/audio media with other Internet users. However, takes a dramatic departure from legacy video sharing in that it makes streaming of on-demand media available to millions of mobile devices, worldwide.

Practically, any Internet user will be able to upload video/audio to, where it will be automatically ?transcoded? by Movidity's patent-pending mobile media system. will then allow any person with a supported cell phone or PDA throughout the world to download, view and interact with the media. content will also be viewable in Shockwave media format using standard PC Web browsers.

The general public will enjoy free access to, while commercial and professional users will have the option of a paid membership. will offer a range of features including private user groups, email / SMS notification, user referrals, media tagging, advertising injection, etc. Unlike other mobile media services available today, allows users to upload and store video for unlimited viewing and sharing, as opposed to time-sensitive or force-fed content.

Movidity's technology makes viewable and interactive on the majority of today?s mobile devices, ranging from economy-class cell phones to high-end PDAs. Cell phones will require basic browser and java/midp2 capability. PDA devices include those based on Windows Mobile (CE) 3.0+ Palm OS 5.0+. The RIM BlackBerry and Pearl are also supported. Client software is simply downloaded from and self-installs on the mobile device. will be in limited availability to corporate clients by December 15 and is expected to be publicly available on January 15, 2007.