Supposedly packing nice features

Jul 21, 2009 06:40 GMT  ·  By

Mobile phone maker Motorola can come to the market with high-end handsets that sport rather futuristic designs, apart from the devices that we already know to be available for purchase via different carriers, though it seems that not all these phones have the opportunity to see the light of day. The Motorola Ivory E18 is one of the handsets the company developed but put an end to, due to the fact that some of the carriers that saw it didn't like it that much.

As many of you might already know, the company already came to the market with a luxury handset, the Motorola Aura, which sports a circular display along with a stainless steel front pattern, yet the newly spotted Motorola Ivory E18 is reportedly a device meant to turn into something more. To be more precise, it seems that the company was getting ready to enter the Luxury/Super luxury market with this handset too, though things ended in another way.

According to the news site Mobile Review, the Motorola Ivory E18 was planned to hit the shelves in a stainless steel chassis, while its price tag should have been set somewhere around the $2K Euro mark (or about $2,821). In addition, Motorola also planned a Gold and Platinum chassis for some of the devices, while the cost for the platinum one was supposedly set at a few tens of thousands of Euros.

What the Motorola Ivory E18 was supposed to sport was a rather narrow design, coupled with a dual slider form factor. The function keys were unveiled as the phone was slid only a bit, while the entire T9 keypad came up upon a full slide. The rest of the specifications show a rather well-packed device, with a 3-megapixel photo snapper, as well as functionalities similar to those available with the Moto Aura.