With new and advanced value-added services

Jun 13, 2007 13:01 GMT  ·  By

Motorola announced today, at the TETRA World Congress in Madrid that it will extend its comprising Services portfolio with new and advanced value-added services and improved support capabilities, in order to deliver critical communications networks for public safety as well as for commercial TETRA networks.

Motorola has installed so far more than 300 networks worldwide and it is the industry leader in TETRA, managing more than a quarter of the TETRA systems all over the world. The company's Services portfolio supplies a cost-effective and well-managed network and the chance to diminish the risks that may come with the introduction of latest technologies like TETRA and TETRA2, which are IP-based.

"Public safety organizations need world-class critical communications, but also have to optimize the total cost of ownership of operating and managing such complex systems. In the commercial world, companies also want robust and secure communications without incurring capital expenditure or having to invest in additional headcount", declared Eric Pradier, vice president Network Services, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Latin America Caribbean, Motorola Networks & Enterprise.

Through the value-added services, Motorola wants to deliver personalized solutions to satisfy each customer's requirements and achieve top network performances.

"We have provided monitoring and optimization services for multiple types of mobile networks for many years, and we're using that experience to deliver the same advantages to other organizations," Eric Pradier continued. "Our aim with Motorola Services is to ensure that any organization or company is able to benefit from the reliable and secure communications that TETRA provides without having to concern themselves with the technology or its management."

The value-added services, based on the already existent network deployment and services for TERRA systems, include: network monitoring (to guarantee constant stability and performance), performance management reports (for highly effective decision making), RF coverage and capacity optimization (maximizing the return on investment as well as the end-user experience) and security services (protecting radio and IT networks and information).