Says team will continue to hunt down and eliminate bugs

Jan 11, 2012 22:11 GMT  ·  By

BioWare has admitted than a small number of those who are playing Star Wars: The Old Republic are having performance issues linked to the MMO but has insisted that most of them are caused by their own outdated PC hardware, which could not handle most modern game releases.

James Ohlen, who is the overall project director working on Star Wars: The Old Republic, told Eurogamer that, “For the most part, 95 percent – oh I can’t give you the exact percentage – most of our players aren’t really having performance concerns. However, we know that it’s important that there is a smaller group of people usually with lower-end machines that are having problems in some areas.”

He added, “One of the most important for us to grow our service is to continue to bring in more players, including those players who only have low-end machines. So we have a client team, a team of programmers, whose entire job is to optimize the code, find out where some of the issues are, and then fix that up.”

Ohlen has acknowledged that the support team at BioWare is still tracking a number of bugs that also affect performance and pledged to eliminate them via patches in the coming weeks.

Earlier during the year the developers have said that they are planning to launch new patches for The Old Republic almost every week in order to both fix the glitches and bugs that gamers have reported and to tweak the gameplay features.

The MMO now has a public test servers that gamers can access to see which changes are coming soon and at the moment BioWare is testing a version of the game which only includes low and high graphical settings, although the later at the moment seem to only slightly different from the current medium ones.

Electronic Arts has recently expressed delight at the early post launch performance of Star Wars: The Old Republic.