Telecom Italia, Texas Instruments and ZTE join LiPS

Jul 19, 2006 08:06 GMT  ·  By

Demonstrating the growing momentum of the mobile Linux market, The Linux Phone Standards (LiPS) Forum announced that Telecom Italia, Texas Instruments Incorporated (TI) and ZTE are the most recent additions to the consortium of companies with a strategic focus on Linux telephony. In association with its members, The LiPS Forum is currently defining a standardized software platform which allows applications and end-user services to be deployed across all types of Linux telephony terminals, fostering interoperability and promoting adoption of Linux.

The worldwide mobile Linux market is expected to grow at a combined annual rate of over 28% per year over the next few years according to Venture Development Corporation (VDC). "We have seen significant growth in the use of embedded Linux, especially within the market for mobile phones and other consumer electronics products," says Matt Volckmann, senior embedded software analyst at VDC. "Greater participation in Linux standard bodies like LiPS should serve to help software vendors, semiconductor companies, handset manufactures and telecom operators more readily develop and deploy Linux-based mobile devices and services."

"As mobile phones evolve to take advantage of the power of 3G networks, the need for a robust, flexible, secure and scalable operating system grows. Linux provides an attractive alternative to the closed, proprietary operating systems available today," said Haila Wang, president of the LiPS Forum. "Standardizing a Linux-based software platform and APIs will significantly improve time-to-market for Linux phones that meet the demands of operators and help them maximize their current network investments."

The success of Linux in phones, as elsewhere, is reliant on standards that ensure interoperability and guard against fragmentation. To date, standardization efforts have focused on the important question of Linux kernel optimization to achieve improved boot time, power management, system footprint and other performance-related factors. For mass-market telephony terminals, standards that enable key applications and services to be deployed with a high degree of interoperability are as important as performance characteristics. The LiPS Forum has been created to meet this critical need for modern phones and complements other current initiatives around Linux standardization for mobile phones.

In addition to Telecom Italia, Texas Instruments and ZTE, new members also include A-la-Mobile, Longcheer, McAfee, Movial Oy, Purple Labs and Spreadtrum.