This community is the first in the US to roll out such a piece of legislation

May 30, 2013 13:32 GMT  ·  By

Mora County in New Mexico has recently become the first community in the United States to officially ban the practice of fracking.

The people who supported this measure and voted in favor of it explain that families living in this part of the country only rely on wells when it comes to seeing their water demands met.

After learning that several studies had shown that fracking was likely to contaminate the water sources, people in this ranching community took matters into their own hands and passed a piece of legislation instituting a ban on said practice.

Huffington Post quotes Roger Alcon, a 63-year-old man currently living in this ranching community, who stated that, “I don't want to destroy our water” and that, “You can't drink oil.”

The same source informs us that the state of California is now looking into the possibility of issuing the very same ban.