As part of an NBA match

May 11, 2009 09:45 GMT  ·  By

Apparently, Infinity Ward and Activision Blizzard have come to the conclusion that the demographics of those who play and enjoy the Call of Duty series and those who watch the NBA overlap significantly, because there's no other way to explain the fact that they released a 17-second gameplay clip of the game that was shown during the match between Orlando Magic and the Boston Celtics (which won by way of a last second shot).

The teaser video, which you can watch at the bottom of this article, is hyping up the fact that Modern Warfare 2 will get a world premiere video, set to arrive on May 24. If you plan on watching it, be sure to check out the finals of the NBA Easter Conference, as in addition to a great game of basketball, you will also see in-game footage from Modern Warfare 2.

Modern Warfare 2, which has dropped the Call of Duty moniker in order to be spun off as a franchise that will be solely developed by Infinity Ward, is set to arrive during this year (probably in time for the Christmas shopping frenzy) and is set to build on what the first Modern Warfare game offered.

A previous trailer for the title, this time featuring no actual gameplay, was released earlier and hinted at quite significant changes for the game. Apparently, some of the protagonists will be Russians, there will be fighting in heavily populated urban areas and the equipment available will be much more diverse.

The new trailer shows, in quick succession, helicopter assaults, submersibles and snowmobiles involved in combat. Quick-eyed viewers have also seen some hand to hand combat moves. Probably, everything will be expanded upon and explained in the full gameplay trailer, which will be first shown on May 24.

Check out the full 17 seconds of footage right here: