"Care Package" no longer an issue, the Akimbo gets fixed yet again, other changes are made

Feb 16, 2010 17:01 GMT  ·  By

Aside from the initial controversies Modern Warfare 2 started, with the way Infinity Ward approached the PC version of its games, as well as with the famous "Airport Massacre" scene, its multiplayer has also generated some pretty intense talks. The title managed to motivate the hacking community to such an extent, that it released day-one cheats for it, and, even without them, there has been an entire list of glitches and exploits in the game. We've had the Javelin glitch, which has even gotten people banned, the infinite ammo one, which has turned the game into an under-barrel grenade launcher marathon, the Ice Skating hack, and even the good, old, completely overpowered Akimbo shotgun.

Patches have been gradually released for each of them fixing what could be fixed, but with a powerful and active community, MW2's multiplayer continues to offer a lot of vexing moments. The latest exploit for the game is the "care package" one, where players end up being able to call in unlimited care package drops after they have earned the first one, turning the match into a cluttered "workspace environment." The skies themselves almost turn dark from all the Chopper Gunners, EMPs, Harriers, AC-130s, Counter-UAVs and Predator Missiles, while the ground turns red from instant re-spawn deaths.

One of the things improved by the patch will also be the Sentry Gun placement, while the Akimbo 1887 Shotguns get another barrel trim, further lessening their efficiency. Also, players with Sentry Gun, Care Package and Emergency Air Drop grenades will no longer receive a speed boost. Aside from this, there's also a series of XP hacks that has been sorted and mended.

While this would make the game pretty much hack-free for the next day or two, it would take a lot more than a few gameplay tweaks to fix the major problems of the MW2 multiplayer. Hopefully, things will get a bit better with the upcoming DLC that the title has planned, and, while Activision has it planned for spring, CVG has narrowed that time interval down to April.