Tink, the hamster, was hibernating and appeared dead

Apr 11, 2013 11:38 GMT  ·  By

A couple from Painswick, England, has witnessed a regular Easter miracle when they found the hamster they “pronounced” dead a day before was alive and kicking.

James Davis noticed that Tink was lying motionless in her cage on Easter Sunday. Efforts by him and his girlfriend, Lisa Kilbourne-Smith, yielded no results and they were forced to bury her.

The pair were just hamster-sitting for a friend and were sorry to have to tell the owner what had happened to Tink.

It wasn't until they buried her one foot (30.5 cm) deep in their garden and she managed to dig herself out that they realized that she was a special hamster.

On Monday, Lisa’s father came across the pet in a Go Cat box, pictured above on the right. According to This Is Gloucestershire, the box was part of a pile gathered for recycling purposes.

The rodent could have been crushed if she wasn't discovered on time. It turned out that she was just hibernating and she is now doing fine.