The team says many gamers are not focused on multiplayer

Jan 12, 2015 08:33 GMT  ·  By

The development team at Mojang has recently acquired the ability to track in real time how many players are engaged with Minecraft at any point and they are saying that more than 1 million gamers are accessing the title during the peak usage times.

The information comes from the Twitter account of Nathan Adams, a developer who has offered some insight into how large the community for the indie title is.

The figure he initially posted was 998,000, and soon after he said that the concurrent player community went over 1 million and stayed there for a while.

At the same time, Nathan Adams reveals that a very large number of players are enjoying single-player Minecraft, which contradicts the popular opinion that the title only attracts those who are interested in interacting with others online.

The big numbers posted by the indie experience are linked to the fact that, since it has managed to impress on the PC, Mojang and other companies have ported it to the PlayStation 4, the Xbox One, last-gen consoles, and mobile devices.

At the moment, the studio is not willing to talk about the distribution of players across the various platforms.

Updates are currently delivered for all of them and texture packs are also distributed to keep the community engaged with new content.

Minecraft and Mojang are currently the property of Microsoft

The increasing popularity of Minecraft is a good sign for Microsoft, the company that paid more than 2 billion dollars (1.6 billion Euro) in order to buy Mojang and all its properties.

Since then, no clear plans for the future of the franchise were announced, but most fans believe that a new title is already in development and that it will probably include some content exclusive to the Xbox One platform.

Mojang says that for the moment it is aiming to continue supporting its current title and wants Minecraft to be accessible to as many gamers as possible.

Company founder Markus Persson has left the company and might no longer be interested in working in the video game industry.  

Minecraft Images (6 Images)

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On the Xbox OneAnd the PlayStation 4