It’s being fixed, the wedding is still on, star insists

Mar 16, 2013 09:55 GMT  ·  By
Miley Cyrus hasn’t been wearing her engagement ring because she had to have it fixed
   Miley Cyrus hasn’t been wearing her engagement ring because she had to have it fixed

She promised she’d only use Twitter for her music from now on but, it seems, Miley Cyrus can’t resist the temptation of using the social networking website to address those infuriating rumors that her wedding to Liam Hemsworth is off.

The rumors have been making the rounds since Oscars weekend at the end of February, but they really picked up speed when Miley was photographed repeatedly without her engagement ring.

Her denying that there was no trouble in paradise did little to convince the tabs that she was speaking the truth.

The other day, Miley tweeted an explanation for why she’s not been wearing the ring. However, she probably remembered her promise afterwards because the tweet is no longer online.

Gossip Cop can confirm it was, though.

“had to send off my engagement ring today to get fixed… one of the little diamonds fell out… I feel naked without it :( so sad!,” Miley’s backup singer Lindsey Lee wrote.

“ugh that’s the worst! I just had a similar situation except when it happens to me then everyone says my wedding is off,” Miley replied.

To this, Lindsey offered even more proof that Miley and Liam are still very much together.

“OMG that sucks! people just need to mind their own business. I saw first hand how happy u & Liam are don’t let them get to u!” she wrote back.

Liam recently flew to Australia for some R&R with his family before starting on a world tour for the promotion of a new movie.

Because Miley did not accompany him, several insiders concluded that he most likely left because he needed a break from her to think about whether the relationship could go any further, as we also reported at the time.

As it turns out, there’s a perfectly logical explanation for why Miley hasn’t been wearing her ring and, no, it’s not that she broke up with Liam.