You just have to take it day by day, and know that it will get better soon, he says

May 24, 2012 09:22 GMT  ·  By
Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino recalls his days in rehab, says he's determined to stay clean
   Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino recalls his days in rehab, says he's determined to stay clean

As MTV is getting ready to shoot a new season of its hit reality show “Jersey Shore,” it's also dealing with two major problems: The Situation's recent rehab stint and Snooki's pregnancy. The former sat down with MTV to talk about his addiction.

Because of the nature of the show, it's easy to understand why producers don't want a recovering addict and a pregnant woman partying and boozing for the cameras.

In his new interview (see below, embedded at the end of the article), The Situation (real name Mike Sorrentino) doesn't say much about the reality show, but he does state his commitment to staying sober.

He also talks about his addiction, which he reportedly developed because fame proved too much for him at one point.

As you can see in the clip, Mike isn't taking his recovery lightly. Recalling the first days in rehab, when he went through detox (he got hooked on painkillers), he describes the experience as a difficult and painful one.

The Sitch also says he doesn't want to think he'll relapse one day, because he has to take recovery one day at the time, so he doesn't think about what will happen in a few weeks or months, or even years from now on.

In the same interview (but not included in the video below), Sorrentino explains how he never had an issue with alcohol or drugs, adding that the only reason he became addicted to painkillers was because he could no longer keep up the insane pace he was going at.

“Ever since I've been out, I won't lie, it's not been easy... but at the same time, I'm at a good place. It just took a little while to get there. In the beginning, there were a lot of rainy days,” he says.

“When I was in Australia, I had a simple appearance for an hour, but I was so tired I had trouble getting dressed. The outfit was laid out for me... all I had to do was jump in the shower and put the clothes on,” The Situation recalls.

“I had my whole team there, my brother and best friend, who were, like 'If Mike doesn't get up, we're going to have a problem.' I eventually got up, but I realized right there and then... I need to ask for help. This thing is bigger than me. I couldn't do it alone,” he says.

As for why he started taking the painkillers in the first place, he says he didn't want people to pity him or, even worse, think that he wasn't up to the task. At first, he fooled himself that they were giving him energy.

Because of his addiction, MTV is reportedly considering “phasing him out” of the show.

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