The platformer is coming out sometime around April 2015

Sep 2, 2014 14:44 GMT  ·  By

Two new gameplay videos have emerged online, showing some exciting footage from Mighty No. 9, the upcoming action platformer meant to fill the void that Mega Man used to fill a while back.

The creator of the original games, Keiji Inafune, together with developer Comcept, turned to crowdfunding to make the 2D action platformer meant to be a sort of spiritual successor to Mega Man a reality, and their campaign registered an unexpected level of success.

The beginning of the development process was a little rocky, with early footage not rising to the expectations of the game's fans and supporters, and the developers having to turn back to crowdfunding before anything substantial was shown, together with some drama, marred the early days of Mighty No. 9.

Things picked up pace, however, and more evolved and satisfying footage began popping up from the devs, and the latest two videos are among the most convincing instances of gameplay revealed yet, pointing to the fact that the game is on track.

The game is played from the perspective of protagonist Beck, who apparently likes to dash around the screen with his special ability that also allows him to smash through his opponents. He is also armed with a deadly arm cannon that can release a hail of bullets in no time, and can absorb his enemies after killing them, which comes in handy in any platformer.

While the footage comes from an unfinished version of the game and still is a little rough around the edges, Comcept's reveals show that the game has a certain rhythm to combat and gameplay that is reminiscent of the type of action that Mega Man fans pine for.

The second video delivers, once more, a view from inside the studio, showing Keiji Inafune trying out the latest build of the game, showcasing a sort of semi-competitive online mode where two players have to battle each other and try to get the highest score while racing through a level.

The two videos offer a pretty good idea about how the final version of the game will play, also showing that Mighty No. 9 has its roots firmly planted in old-school Capcom platformers from the NEs and SNES era.

Mighty No. 9 is set for release sometime around April 2015, headed to a bunch of platforms, including PC, Mac, Linux, and last- and current-gen consoles and handhelds from Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft.