They just don't know it yet

Feb 26, 2008 09:04 GMT  ·  By

MS developers admit using Macs. A certain blog post of a certain Microsoft developer has revealed what some people may consider shocking, upsetting or downright hilarious, or all. Brandon Paddock, who works on Search technology for Windows at Microsoft, says that Microsoft guys use Macs. Ok so...?

Does anyone honestly think that Microsoft developers are so proud that they struggle with less powerful systems? Of course not. Bill Gates and a few other high-ups might, but that's it. Developers need to work fast and efficiently in making fixes and updates for Windows. A Mac running Vista makes perfect sense.

In fact, it's quite ironical: Microsoft and Apple are competitors, yet Microsoft is trying to keep its head above the surface using Apple products. Say, Apple could ban MS from using Macs. MS devs would probably be like "Oh, come one man... People depend on Internet Explorer. You can't do that!"

Brandon points out to David Morgenstern over the Apple blog on ZDNet, who wrote the following:

"Microsoft appears to be okay with at least one of its employees running Vista on a MacBook in the office. Blogger Chris Pirillo pointed to Brandon Paddock, a self-described geek who works on search technology at Microsoft (but not in the Microsoft Mac Business Unit, where it's okay to show up with Mac hardware and software, or at least it is at the 'SVC,' the Silicon Valley Campus in Mountain View, Calif.)."

Brandon himself admits using Apple devices, claiming he's quite happy with them too: "It's true, I'm a Microsoft developer (on Windows no less) with a Macbook. And an iPhone! I'm also rather fond of both of them."

He added: "One day a friend of mine on the team printed off a couple dozen screenshots of Leopard, showing off various tasks the user can do in OS X, and hung them on one of our hallways. Across from it are pictures of the same tasks in that incredibly well-kept secret of a project that we're working on. There are post-it notes and markers next to each wall where passersby leave comments/questions. I wonder if any hallways in Cupertino have something like that?"

The post got Fake Steve rather upset, which prompted him to say: "Watch your back, punk."

It just keeps getting funnier and funnier. We're close to seeing competition reaching that critical point where MS and Apple burst into tears, run towards each other and French-kiss for like 10 minutes over a Celine Dion track (played on an iPod touch hooked up to a stereo of course).