Developers participating will be recognized as Microsoft Registered, Certified and Gold Certified partners

Jul 11, 2006 07:26 GMT  ·  By

Today is the debut of Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference 2006 held in Boston until July 13th. But the Redmond Company's partners are plagued with questions as how the future of their collaboration with the software giant will be affected, as well as their own companies market impact, as Microsoft has delayed Vista and Office for what seems to be the beginning of 2007. More than 7.000 Microsoft troops will close in on Boston for the Conference and in view of the recent delays, the events are bound to face the issues generated by the two elusive Microsoft applications.

Some partner companies rely intimately on Microsoft, orbiting the company's products at very close range, developing their business strategies in concordance with the Redmond Company. In this context, the continuous delays have created a market gap that will need to be artificially closed until the latest operating system and the Office suit will hit the market. The businesses will be affected undoubtedly by consumers postponing acquisitions, software upgrades and so forth in expectancy of the Microsoft's products. Resellers, developers of software add-ons, and even independent third-parties as well as all the mass of Microsoft's partners will be affected by the shock waves emitted by the company's recurrent delays.

Traditionally the conference aims at celebrating the finalist and winners of the 2006 Microsoft Partner Program Awards. The developers that introduced innovative solutions for their customers based on Microsoft's products will be recognized as Microsoft Registered, Certified and Gold Certified partners.