MSN is the key

Mar 21, 2008 12:30 GMT  ·  By

Believe it or not but Microsoft thinks it can cure stupid! Moreover, the Redmond company fails to have a high opinion of users. And this is actually an euphemism. Microsoft in fact says that users are pretty dumb... unless they use MSN. Under the slogan "no one wants to look dumb," the Redmond company has begun to promote the use of MSN. The noonewantstolookdumb website is up and running featuring Mark Bebbington - guitar, keyboard, drums, vocals, synthesizer, and sitar, but also videos and songs. Apparently, the only option presented to users in order to save them from looking dumb is to turn to MSN for all the answers.

Yes, Microsoft says that MSN will cure stupid, along with Bebbington's guitar which is designed to be a machine that kills dumb. I am sure that the Redmond company wanted to emphasize in a self-ironical way and with humor the fact that MSN is a prime source of information that end users need to turn to in order to increase their knowledge. But something went completely wrong if you ask me. Simply because, judging by Microsoft's argument, not using MSN will keep you looking dumb. Not the best logic to attract users... And a failed marketing attempt for that matter.

According to SeattlePI, Microsoft is running a complex campaign in Seattle, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco and New York and the noonewantstolookdumb website is but an aspect of the marketing push designed to popularize MSN. The marketing campaign is available not only online, but is also spread throughout traditional media such as radio and billboards. The messages presented to end users in addition to "no one wants to look dumb" are "Sherlock had Watson. You have us" and "Free IQ points. Collect them all." Convinced yet? Then, by all means, jump over to MSN, you can't afford to keep looking dumb!

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