Another setback for the software giant?

Dec 7, 2005 12:35 GMT  ·  By

It's not the first time that Microsoft gets sideswiped with court losses. The most recent comes from the South Korean antitrust suit where it was found guilty of breaching antitrust rules in the country. This came after the European Union order which requires Microsoft to sell multiple versions of their Windows Operating System.

Korea's Fair Trade Commission will now want Microsoft to remove its instant messaging service and media player from Windows. On top of this, they also want the software company to pay a total of $32 m fine.

The Microsoft deputy general counsel said in an e-mail, "We are disappointed with the Commission's decision and strongly believe that their case is without basis in law or in fact? We will be appealing this decision and are confident that we will ultimately prevail.''

Microsoft also added, "We disagree with the Commission's decision and strongly believe that Microsoft has operated within Korean law."

Not unlike the European Union's March 2004 ruling, which Microsoft accepted (but is also appealed it), the software company has been taking some hard hits due to its bundled software organization. Because of the way these rulings have gone, Microsoft is to expect similar cases from other unsatisfied companies.