625 dollars for 74 million e-mails

Jun 21, 2005 19:33 GMT  ·  By

According to a press release posted on Microsoft Germany's website, the company has decided to sue a company allegedly involved in the generation of spam messages promoting online casinos, web design services and pornography.

The Westphalia-based firm is lead by a former United States resident, who is accused of having set up a network of companies involved in spamming.

Microsoft says that the German director has also created companies in the United States and Ukraine, and he charges $625 for sending 74 million e-mails in one month or 100,000 messages in one hour.

The problem is that there is no anti-spamming law in Germany, so Microsoft will sue the company on the grounds of unfair competition. The director of the German company, whose identity has not been disclosed, says that he's not involved in spam generation and this is a problem concerning his partners, whose identities he refused to disclose.

Microsoft pointed out that usually, spam generation activities are organized at an international level, and it's not uncommon for ramifications to exist in several countries.

It's not the first time Microsoft got involved in a decisive manner in stopping such spamming networks, and for the last six months the company has been developing a system that allows the identification of spammers targeting Hotmail addresses.