Available only to possessors of a nytimes.com or a Microsoft.com email address

Sep 23, 2006 07:38 GMT  ·  By

The New York Times Reader for Windows Vista was showcased while just a prototype back in April 2006 at the Society of Newspaper Editors convention as a joint initiative of the Redmond Company and The New York Times. Designed to enable offline news access to the content of The New York Times, the Reader bundled traditional media readability, portability with Web interactivity and immediacy, as Arthur Sulzberger Jr., chairman of The New York Times Company and publisher of The New York Times described.

Although initially the duo announced an indefinite release date, Nick White, Microsoft Product Manager has informed of the product's availability on the Windows Vista Team Blog. The catch is that only possessors of a nytimes.com or a Microsoft.com email address are permitted access to the New York Times Reader for Windows Vista.

"It's now available for download to Windows Vista beta users! The Times Reader enhances the onscreen reading experience through Windows Presentation Foundation, Microsoft's advanced display technology in Windows Vista. As readers change font or window size, the text dynamically redraws to optimize both readability and on-screen layout. With WPF, the Times Reader can completely replicate the "look" of the print version of the NY Times, including fonts, typeface and layout, much more closely than its Web site now does," said White.