Between innovation and inspiration

Apr 22, 2008 16:17 GMT  ·  By

Microsoft is aiming high with its Ingenuity Point challenge addressed at independent software vendors. The Redmond company is looking for no less than examples of software capable of changing the world. April 22, 2008 marks the date when Microsoft announced three winners of Gold Ingenuity Point, in the second round of the competition. Having build software products designed to deliver a global impact in education, healthcare and "clean" technology, Agilix Labs, Green Building Studio and Lebab Systems are the three ISVs awarded by Microsoft.

"Microsoft recognizes that improvements in education, healthcare and the environment require a significant amount of time and resources to develop applications, operating systems, interfaces and development tools - the fundamental building blocks to help shape the vision of developers and end users. We are honoring these ISVs for demonstrating how the potential of technology can make a difference in our world," Rob Bernard, Microsoft's chief environmental strategist.

With Agilix's GoCourse Learning System processes such as creating, handling and serving media-rich learning content both online and offline are no longer restricted by the lack of structure and self-guiding capabilities. At the same time, the system brings to the table advanced grading and monitoring tools.

Green Building Studio developed a building design analysis solution that comes to help both architects and engineers, with evaluating the performances of a construction in terms of energy and water consumption, as well as carbon emissions. Green Building Studio's solutions streamlined a complex and costly process to maximum, not only in terms of costs but also taking into consideration the time factor.

"Lebab has developed an 'interpreter to integration' solution that bridges the communications gap between medical staff and patients who speak different languages. Used for emergency care, surgical preparation and general family practice, the solution, which combines text and sound, includes a database of 70,000 medical questions that are recorded in English, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, Romanian and Bulgarian. By eliminating the need for an interpreter, Lebab's solution helps doctors more quickly diagnose health problems," Microsoft added.