Dublin-based server farm received 3 awards in the past year

Jul 12, 2010 08:50 GMT  ·  By

Microsoft owns the best enterprise datacenter facility in Europe. The Redmond company’s Dublin datacenter has been celebrated with the Best European Enterprise Datacenter Facility award the past week at the 6th edition of the Data Centers Europe 2010 Conference. However, the software giant emphasizes that its Dublin based server farm has been receiving additional accolades, and that the Best European Enterprise Datacenter Facility is the third award for the center in just the past year alone. The Datacentre Leaders Award for Innovation and the European Code of Conduct for Data Centre Sustainability Best Practice were also granted for the facility.

“The Dublin datacenter incorporates a free air cooling design and is one of the most energy efficient facilities Microsoft has designed and built so far. Beyond the dramatic reduction in power consumption, the removal of traditional cooling systems negates the need for a chiller plant, allowing us to avoid the typical consumption of around 18 million liters of water each month. This design shows what is possible when you innovate locally and design facilities which take advantage of the natural environmental benefits around you,” a member of the Microsoft Datacenters team stated.

The Redmond company has been focusing increasingly on upping the ante with its datacenter designs. As the worldwide economic crisis set in in 2008, Microsoft stressed that reducing waste and improving efficiency would help companies lacking financial resources for extensive new investments do more with less. But of course, Microsoft’s Dublin server farm is not the only one receiving laurels.

“In addition to awards won by our Dublin datacenter, our Chicago datacenter also won the Green Enterprise IT Award from the Uptime Institute for the bold IT initiatives we utilized in designing the facility. The Chicago datacenter integrates new design solutions which have led to greater efficiencies and carbon waste reductions. This includes a significant reduction in water and material usage enabled by the deployment of containers and other IT innovations,” the Microsoft Datacenters team representative added.