Google didn't do it

Dec 18, 2006 15:29 GMT  ·  By

This is not a mock article. Microsoft has been shut down. Well, Google didn't do it. Apple and Sony didn't do it. And neither did the open source community. But Microsoft has been shut down nonetheless.

And although there are many that would like to receive credit for the Microsoft knock out, in fact the Redmond Company has been shut down by the forces of nature. A severe windstorm has left the Microsoft main campus without power. But Microsoft is not the sole victim. In the area, in excess of 400,000 utility customers are managing without power as a consequence of the last week's windstorm.

"A large windstorm knocked out power to much of the Seattle area late Thursday night. Most of the city is back up although about half of the surrounding suburbs were still dark as of Sunday afternoon. The posting machine had no power at all on Friday, and although it looks like Microsoft has power again, the machine doesn't seem to have come back online. If a second post shows up Monday morning, then lucky! Otherwise, we'll continue on Tuesday," reported Nicholas Allen, Microsoft Program Manager.

Robert Scoble a former Microsoft blogger and technical evangelist also described the situation yesterday December 17, 2007: "Buzz Bruggeman just called from Seattle. He says that Microsoft's main campus is without power and trees are down all over the place due to a major windstorm there. Tons of trees down. He says he's talked with several Microsoft employees and that reports are that folks can't send email and stuff like that. It'll be interesting to see what's running tomorrow.

Jeff Sandquist says he hasn't had power for four days. Jeff just called from Microsoft's campus and says that there's power there, but everything else around Microsoft is a mess. He doesn't expect to have power at his house for a couple of more days. Cell phone coverage is spotty due to the power outages. He says Microsoft has a pretty decent generator system on its main campus, but did lose power on Friday morning, but is back now."

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