Applications and games for the platform are cheaper this holiday season

Dec 13, 2013 12:39 GMT  ·  By

Applications and games for Windows Phone devices are cheaper this holiday season, courtesy of a promotion that Microsoft is running for the following several weeks.

Until January 1, 2014, owners of devices running under Microsoft’s platform will be able to purchase a dozen discounted apps, indie games, and Xbox titles.

According to the company, the deal was inspired by the Red Stripe Deals promotion that kicked off back in April, and that usually included 3 discounted pieces of software.

However, instead of having only one Xbox game, one indie game, and one top-rated app available at 50 percent less than usual, the company decided to include 12 apps and games in the new promotion.

“The punnily-named ‘12 Deals of Red Stripe’ runs through Jan. 1 and (in case you didn’t get it) was inspired by the Store’s long-running weekly sale,” the company explains in a blog post.

“Only instead of the typical three discounted titles you’ll find a dozen priced 50% off or more. Highlights include Modern Combat 4, Rayman, Jungle Run, Ruzzle, Gravity Guy 2, and other well-reviewed games and apps.”

The promotion complements the deals that Nokia and Microsoft kicked off for Windows Phone users a while ago, which included Windows Phone Store credit for the purchase of new apps and games.

However, the deal was launched only for those who grab a new smartphone running under the platform this holiday season, which leaves only the 12 Deals of Red Stripe available for existing Windows Phone users.

The list of discounted apps and games includes Runtastic PRO, Cocktail Flow, Package Tracker, Dr Pickaxe, Jack of Tools Pro, Sparkle 2, and more.

Those who would like to grab any of the software included in the promotion should head over to this page in the Windows Phone Store to learn more on them.