SSL support introduced at the end of November

Dec 2, 2009 09:28 GMT  ·  By

Following the mid-September launch of the Microsoft Ajax CDN (Content Delivery Network), the Redmond company promised that it would be adding support for Secure Sockets Layer in the future. At the end of November, the software giant managed to deliver on that promise, and now the Microsoft AJAX CDN service provided by the ASP.NET team comes with SSL support, revealed Scott Guthrie, corporate vice president, .NET Developer Platform. Specifically, customers that are leveraging Microsoft Ajax CDN will be able to take advantage of a new feature for the service, namely SSL support for scripts offered of the Content Delivery Network.

“This is necessary for scenarios where you have SSL enabled pages on your site, and you want to reference a script library from the Microsoft CDN and avoid a “This page contains both secure and non-secure items” warning message being displayed to end-users visiting your site,” Guthrie explained. “SSL support is now enabled with the scripts hosted on the Microsoft AJAX CDN. Simply use an “https” moniker with any script references on your site that point to the CDN, and they will now be served over SSL.”

In accordance with the refreshed feature set of Microsoft AJAX CDN, the Redmond company has also updated the documentation associated with the service, in order to provide customers with additional details. Microsoft is offering a comprehensive list detailing all of the libraries currently a part of the CDN. At the same time, the promise from Guthrie is that Microsoft will continue to update the documentation in order to reflect the actual libraries which will be added to the Microsoft Ajax CDN.

“The CDN provides edge caching support for AJAX libraries (including jQuery and ASP.NET AJAX). The service is available for free, does not require any registration, and can be used for both commercial and non-commercial purposes. It offers a great way to speed up your external facing web-sites,” Guthrie added.