It made the first million during the first day of the crowd funding campaign alone

Apr 11, 2014 11:49 GMT  ·  By

Remember that small, cubic 3D printer that I covered a few days ago? The one that is about as big, height-wise, as a laptop? The one that was supposed to be incredibly cheap once it got the required funds?

Apparently, it has made a lot of money. It may just become the most ludicrously successful Kickstarter crowd-funding campaign ever.

After all, one can't help but boggle when a product that needs $50,000 (€36,000) makes one million dollars in a single day.

And one can't easily shake off the feeling when the product continues to accumulate pledges, to the point where it clears the two million mark with 26 days to spare.

This coming from a website that normally hosts a project for 30 days or more, on average.

Made doubly surprising when you factor in that the $199 / €145 offers expired ages ago, but people are still placing orders even now, for the $299 / €215 offer.

Now I can't help but wonder how many more millions the folks behind M3D LLC will make by the end of the remaining 26 days. Probably many if people jump at the chance of getting the Micro 3D printer by August (and, thus, pledge $899 / €647).