Actress opens up about early experience in new interview, says first husband saved her

Nov 4, 2013 10:03 GMT  ·  By
Michelle Pfeiffer came close to being recruited in a cult that believed in breatharianism
   Michelle Pfeiffer came close to being recruited in a cult that believed in breatharianism

Cults are incredibly dangerous because they prey on people’s biggest fears and insecurities in order to suck and lock them in, offering them no choice to leave. Michelle Pfeiffer almost became a member of such cult, she recalls in a new interview cited by the Daily Mail.

She was very young and just getting started in Hollywood, and she met a couple who probably promised her that their lifestyle would solve whatever problem she had – or might have further down the road.

They were adepts of breatharianism, a cult that believes people can live on air, without food and water, because the sun provides the body with all the nutrients it needs. They were desperate to get the actress to join in, she says.

Luckily for her, she met her first husband Peter Horton at around that time and, while helping him research for the movie “Moonies,” which deals precisely with this topic, she realized the danger she was in herself in real life.

“We were talking with an ex-Moonie and he was describing the psychological manipulation and I just clicked. [The two were] kind of personal trainers. They worked with weights and put people on diets,” Michelle recalls, adding that the ultimate diet these two recommended was one that absolutely no one could follow.

“Their thing was vegetarianism. They were very controlling. I wasn’t living with them but I was there a lot and they were always telling me I needed to come more. I had to pay for all the time I was there so it was financially very draining. They believe that people in their highest state were breatharian,” the actress says.

To this day, she is grateful that she got out of the cult in time, understandably so.