Cleveland police get a touching letter from Knight

Aug 1, 2013 11:50 GMT  ·  By

Michelle Knight, one of the three women incarcerated and held against their will in the home of Cleveland man Ariel Castro has written to the police to thank them for their efforts.

Her touching letter mentions officers taking the time to relay cards and gifts from strangers supporting the girls.

She also speaks of growth and transformation and emerging from her ordeal as a butterfly who once was just a caterpillar.

As I mentioned before, Knight had perhaps the worst experience of the three victims, as she had several miscarriages when Castro kicked her in the stomach to provoke abortions. In each case, he was the father of her child.

“I am overwhelmed by the amount of thoughts, love and prayers expressed by complete strangers. It is comforting. Life is tough, but, I'm tougher!” she writes.