Sister La Toya says all three kids are seeing a counselor to help them cope

Oct 27, 2009 16:22 GMT  ·  By
Michael Jackson’s three children are getting therapy to cope with his death, La Toya reveals
   Michael Jackson’s three children are getting therapy to cope with his death, La Toya reveals

Michael Jackson’s three children have all found their own ways of dealing with the sudden death of their only caring parent, La Toya Jackson says, as cited by ABC News. Still, since this is an event that a child can hardly cope with on his or her own, a counselor has also been hired to talk them through this difficult time of their life when they have to deal with the loss of their father.

According to sister La Toya, who has recently been making all headlines for her comments on the circumstances around Michael’s mysterious death and especially on how she still stays in contact with him with the help of his macaw, the children are OK – or, at least, as OK as they can be in these circumstances. They’ve yet to learn to deal with their father’s death but at least they’re trying and, more important, also receiving professional help with it.

“Blanket is just a very sad, shy little boy. He cries – he really does cry. It’s so painful for him. Paris thinks and writes about her father all the time. She’s doing very well, writes a lot and she wears his shirts every day. [Prince] just doesn’t want to speak about it. He won’t even watch the DVDs... it’s too soon. They all go to therapy and I truly hope Prince especially will be able to open up.” La Toya says. The children are currently being home-schooled in LA.

We were telling you yesterday that La Toya recently spoke to a British tab and revealed that her own personal investigation into Michael’s death was progressing well and that she had to thank him for the help. As per her own words, whenever she goes to Michael’s house, she can feel his presence, which is when she asks him to give her a sign or some form of hint as to the persons involved in his death. Surprisingly enough, Michael did so, La Toya was saying the other day.

“When I go to his house I say, ‘Hello, Michael. How are you? If you’re here, please, please let me know.’ And the lights start blinking. I can feel him. […] I never believed that people could speak, hear and communicate in that sense. But I’ve witnessed it several times now and I want to investigate it further. I am certainly open-minded to speaking to a medium. No other members of the family have experienced it. Just me. […] I ask Michael to help me understand what took place. I’ve told him to find a way to let me know. A person’s name will pop into my head out of the blue, I’ll call them, they give me information and I’ll find the connection I’ve been looking for. It’s amazing.” she explained.