Nov 11, 2010 21:31 GMT  ·  By
Survey reveals men’s perfect woman is one big contradiction, most likely doesn’t exist
   Survey reveals men’s perfect woman is one big contradiction, most likely doesn’t exist

We all imagine we know exactly how we want our (perfect) partner to be and, moreover, that we’ll know it’s them the moment we lay eyes on them. A new study shows things are far from that actually.

A new survey conducted by a British dating website and cited by the Daily Mail, on no less than 3,000 bachelors, has revealed that their perfect woman is nothing short of a fantasy since it’s contradiction personified.

According to the survey, men prefer their lady to be slim and toned – not really a surprise, come to think of it.

The paradox is that, while they want her to have the body that can live on salads and lemon water for the entire day, they also want her to be able to indulge in junk food side by side with them.

¾ of the respondents said their ideal partner was slim and very toned, while 9 in 10 revealed they expect her to enjoy big meals as often as possible.

Another contradiction was unveiled in men’s ideals when asked about how much money their partner should make and how much time she should dedicate to career and family.

Most men, it turns out, find ladies with a degree and bigger paychecks more attractive. However, more than half of the respondents said they want to date a woman for whom family, settling down and having children come first, and not a career.

“Everyone has their dream partner, and men are no exception. And while many women might find these standards hard to live up to, six in ten men believe their perfect girlfriend is out there,” Nicole Clowes, of the website UKDating, which conducted the survey, says.

“However, there are a few contradictions, which might make it hard for men to get their ideal date. There is some confusion about whether men would like to date a high earner or someone who is prepared to stay at home with children,” Clowes adds.