DRAM makers just can't seem to encourage sales anymore

Dec 13, 2011 15:32 GMT  ·  By

We heard this before but we're hearing it again: memory chip and, by extension, memory module and kit prices can't go much lower than they are now.

Perhaps it's because of the minor rebound of some weeks back, or perhaps it is because consumers are just that unmotivated to buy a new memory product.

Either way, demand has remained sluggish and, even with manufacturers reducing production capacity, prices continued to either fall or stay flat at their already dismal level.

With things as they are now, if prices really manage not to fall any further, it will only be because there is not much room for that anymore.

Global DRAM revenues will plummet by 26% by the end of 2011, which makes the projected 3% growth for 2012 nothing but an indicative of how far down RAM has slid.

All in all, us thinking that RAM is the most convenient buy this Christmas hasn't changed.