Actor says golfer’s case is used as a “diversion” from bigger things

Jan 12, 2010 14:59 GMT  ·  By
We should be focusing on other things than the Tiger Woods scandal, especially since he apologized, Mel Gibson says
   We should be focusing on other things than the Tiger Woods scandal, especially since he apologized, Mel Gibson says

Tiger Woods continues to keep a low profile after the one-vehicle crash that brought all his dirty laundry to air in the press, and, with it, his alleged 14 mistresses and counting. While fans are leaving him in throngs, actor Mel Gibson, no stranger to media scandals himself, is saying that his situation is being used as a diversion, as People magazine can confirm.

Fans might remember the backlash that Gibson got for his behavior when he was arrested for drinking and driving a couple of years ago, and especially for his anti-Semite and misogynic comments. Because of this, perhaps few other men can understand what Woods is now going through, the famed actor and director seems to be saying. However, from that to making of the scandal the number 1 topic is a giant leap and perhaps we shouldn’t be taking it so quickly.

“I feel sorry for Tiger Woods. Why are we talking about this when we’re sending 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan?… He’s being used as a diversion, and it just drives me crazy,” Gibson says of how the media handled Woods’ case. In more ways than one, Mel could actually be right with this, especially in the sense that Woods’ story and the ever-developing scandal has managed to capture America’s attention (and the world’s, for that matter) in ways other, more serious issues could not in years, it is being said.

What more, the star goes on to say, what Woods did was to make a simple mistake, something no one can actually say they're not guilty of. “Nobody is without sin. You have to try to make amends if you can. You have to shut up and move on and not whine about it. And you have to deal with it like a man… You’ve just got to accept your own culpability,” Gibson says. And Woods did accept his culpability in his open letter slash apology, so perhaps the world should just back off, the actor also seems to hint.

As we also reported a while back, other stars have also put in their two cents as to the Tiger Woods situation. 50 Cent, for instance, believes all this scandal could have been easily avoided if Woods played it more cool, more gangsta. Instead of being a softie and allowing his mistresses to walk all over him, he should have made sure in due time they would never go to the media with their story if push came to shove. Clearly, he did no such thing since all of them are now selling their stories to the tabs, the rapper says.